This year marked the success of many new products from the new swim line with the built-in cock-rings to the new Protruder! As long as you keep buying them, we will keep coming up with newer styles and fresher innovative ways to make you look your best!
We take so much pride in being able to offer our clients products they have been looking for or that make them feel better. So many of you take the time to write us letting us know how much you love our products. That truly means a lot to us. Keep those letters coming. We also encourage you to send in photos of you in your new WildmanT products and we will proudly display them in our online gallery or our customer products page on http://www.wildmant.com/.
So a personal thanks to all of you that helped build Wildmant.com and BallLifter.com. We will keep striving to make newer and better products for our loyal customers.
Final thought - make sure you live each day. If for only five minutes, do something that makes you feel good at least once a day:) This photo is me, flying through the air about to splash each and every friend of mine....that made me feel good! (also notice the WildmanT Midcut I am sporting)
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